Friday, December 30, 2011

End of year

It was quite an interesting year....

I think people who read my blogs online and then freak out about what they read are a huge joke. I think people with common sense would realize that if something they read is offending them to simply stop reading it. Those people prove to me that I am always the center of attention.

Some people have husbands that cheat, dying fathers, lonely broken hearted mothers, half siblings they didnt get to know, neglected children all because their time is spent elsewhere. I think some people need to at the very least put their child before me, but that won't happen because I'm sooo amazing and interesting....

My "favorite" people are the ones that talk behind peoples back. Muslim Guyanese people are a prime example of this. That is all they are good for. I know so many people love to talk about me, but the truth is: I love it!!! Anyways those types of people are so dumb they don't realize they do it. They pray, go to church and then trash talk others. They have dirty minds and are very sneaky much like the Pakistani Muslims. They are the same. Muslim people throughout history ate all dumbass fuckheads just like Bin Ladden. These people dont have any guts, that's why they talk behind people's back, they can never say anything straight to anyone's face because they know they talk mad shit and are scared to death of the truth. They sit and scheme about how to fraud and make it a family activity. Are we still surprised that Muslim people have a reputation for being stupid, dumb, ignorant, uncivilized, lying, nasty terrorists? They really are all the same.

I also wanted to say that there are people who like to accuse others for their own mistakes when they get caught. Those people are the funniest. Like if someone cheats and made a baby with someone else, why accuse the person who told ur secret of being a liar? If ur suspected, it's likely true.... The way to prove innocence would be a DNA test. Duh! It's funny how when newly married men get caught or busted for cheating they want to jump on the person that caught them rather than admitting it and apologizing. The truth is they don't realize that the person was trying to look out for their buddy (the wife in this case) instead they assume that if they throw a big enough fit their stupid wife would believe that they didn't cheat. Guys if ur wives are stupid enough to fall for your lies, And truly believe that your not cheating when you have a regular fuckbuddy (the girl know ur a married man and continue the secret relation) then she deserves to be cheated on... Anyways i digress nothing gives people the right to blame others when they are doing something wrong and get caught. They should just deal with the consequences.

Also there are people who stalk others and then cry and whine about what the person they are doing. Like if your stalking someone you deserve every misery that comes at you. You can't complain if your looking for trouble. If you want to be left alone, you need to learn to leave other people alone because if your I fingering someone you can't expect them not to finger back.... I know if I have stalkers, I ALWAYS finger them hard when I know they are watching me :) the more they watch the more I finger back. I get off on it. So stalkers the lesson here is that your asking or trouble each time you stalk someone, an you really never know who your messing with, so you gotta be very careful, stalking the wrong person could land you in a coffin.

Also a quick update: the dysfunctional family blog has been updated with pics... And some pics are of a very ugly baby... I never thought there was such a thing. I'm sad to say there is. I also have some pics of a true nerd with big granny glasses!!

Anyways new years is around the corner and it's been a fun year... I just wanted this to be my last blog for this year. Next year will only get more exciting an fun. I can't wait I see how much more exciting things will get