Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Idots Sexting and Driving!!!!

So in Ontario it is illegal to talk on the phone while you are driving. How is it that every idot on the road is talking on their cell phone? Where are the police?
Usually I wouldn't care if a person is talking on the phone, even if it is illegal, but I think it becomes an issue when the person on the phone is driving like a dumbass. I hate seeing people doing 60 km/hr when the speed is clearly 80 km/hr. I don't like that these drivers also ride the brakes when they are on the phone. The thing that really bothers me is when I see them getting into MY lane and not even realize it.

Even those issues don't piss me off as much as seeing a police officer drive right by an idotic driver on the phone and not do anything.

I don't know if people actually complain about other drivers using the phone, but if I am on the road for 10 minutes, then I can bet on seeing at least 3 people on the phone, with no police in sight. I would not complain if they didn't drive like fuckheads, but really, the police need to pay attention.

So Today is the 1 year anniversary since the cell phone ban. I have heard on the news that close to 46 000 tickets were handed out for being on the phone, texting or e-mailing while driving. So with all the tickets and money coming in from these tickets they can do something more about these dumb drivers.

This anniversary also comes after 3 TTC bus drivers were caught texting. To be honest, I am not sure why it took so long to come out because I myself have seen Brampton Transit Drivers on the phone when I drive by. Now when I see that, I really don't care because I am not on the bus, but you bus riders need to pay attention. Your lives are in their hands!!!!!

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