Monday, February 28, 2011

I'm Baaaaaack!!!

So I know I haven't been blogging for a while but I have been soooo busy with the other blog amongst other things.

So much has happened since my last blog here and I have so many blog ideas that will be posted in due time.

So anyways just because I haven't blogged doesn't mean that I haven't been checking on my followers.... Or maybe I should say stalker.... But whatever I have plans that will knock these fuckers off their high horse.

But anywayyyzzzzz.... I am back around again and will be making time to blog more.

TTYL Bitchezzzzzzz!!!!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Looking for a New Plan

So since Christmas time, I have been looking at deals for cell phones that are waaaayyyyyyy cheaper than what I have. I am currently with Telus, and I must say they are kind of expensive when you compare them to the newer companies like Wind and Mobilcity.

Today I need a  new phone. My deal is over and I have options... I can renew or look for another.

Of course I must choose the day I actually need a new plan to begin my search.

I am definately loving the options that are out there now compared to a few years ago.

So I will start my search and keep you posted with my findings.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Absent No More

So 3 weeks ago I went in for surgery. I had 2 wisdom tooth on either side of my mouth taken out. I was put to sleep for the procedure, and awoke to PAIN! I had to take pain killers (that didn't work) only to go back and get more (that didn't work). So I ended up going through the pain as is since I didn't want to be drugged all the time.

Now that I am back, I have some confessions to make. I have been online, however I have been writing about my shameful so called family on my other blog. There was a whole lifetimes worth of drama and lies exposed on that blog.

I checked my blog, and sadly, there is still a pathetic, sad loser that still creeps my pages daily. Bitch move on. Get over me...  DAMN....I guess when You Love Lady Bla Bla, You Really Love Lady Bla Bla.

I am not sure how many times I can say this, but this creepy bitches make me laugh my ass off.

As long as I do not have to see this bitch in front of my face, the slut can creep.

... otherwise all rules are out the window.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Idots Sexting and Driving!!!!

So in Ontario it is illegal to talk on the phone while you are driving. How is it that every idot on the road is talking on their cell phone? Where are the police?
Usually I wouldn't care if a person is talking on the phone, even if it is illegal, but I think it becomes an issue when the person on the phone is driving like a dumbass. I hate seeing people doing 60 km/hr when the speed is clearly 80 km/hr. I don't like that these drivers also ride the brakes when they are on the phone. The thing that really bothers me is when I see them getting into MY lane and not even realize it.

Even those issues don't piss me off as much as seeing a police officer drive right by an idotic driver on the phone and not do anything.

I don't know if people actually complain about other drivers using the phone, but if I am on the road for 10 minutes, then I can bet on seeing at least 3 people on the phone, with no police in sight. I would not complain if they didn't drive like fuckheads, but really, the police need to pay attention.

So Today is the 1 year anniversary since the cell phone ban. I have heard on the news that close to 46 000 tickets were handed out for being on the phone, texting or e-mailing while driving. So with all the tickets and money coming in from these tickets they can do something more about these dumb drivers.

This anniversary also comes after 3 TTC bus drivers were caught texting. To be honest, I am not sure why it took so long to come out because I myself have seen Brampton Transit Drivers on the phone when I drive by. Now when I see that, I really don't care because I am not on the bus, but you bus riders need to pay attention. Your lives are in their hands!!!!!

Food Control??? Let's 1984 It!!!

On January 21st, I heard something on 680 News that really made me wonder. The governement really does control everything.
The government is now concerned about the obeisity in our country. North Americans are fat, and only getting fatter. The government has blamed the junk food ads rather than the people making the junk and the people eating the junk. As concerned government, they want to control the number of junk food ads that appear on t.v. They think that children see these ads and push for the food they see. While children do in fact ask for stuff they see on t.v. the government thinks that they can just start censoring anything they feel like.
I feel like our world is being controlled by the government. I am sure they have many secrets that they keep from the public. Has anyone actually looked around the world lately? Everything on the news has been a part of some movie involving government conspiracies. Controlling ads are like control freedom of speech in a small way.
I wonder when the government will break down and tell us that we are living the way they did in the novel 1984, By George Orwell. We may not be there all the way, but trust me, we are working towards it.

(1984 – Acknowledged by many as Orwell’s greatest masterpiece, 1984 is the haunting tale of a totalitarian world where basic human rights such as free speech are a thing of the past. Meanwhile, ‘Thought Police’ monitor the people’s every action and kidnap those who are caught acting in any way deemed to be ‘unorthodox.’ When Winston Smith decides to rebel against his own government, will he succeed in overthrowing them or become yet another victim of the Thought Police?)

Teachers to Grade Parents? Bad Move!!

On January 19th, I heard something on the news about new rules that were purposed about teachers grading parents. REALLY????
Last time I checked, I send my kids to school for the TEACHERS to TEACH them. Now all of a sudden Parents are expected to be teaching at home as well. Now I understand that parents should be a part of the education, however, if my child doesn't understand something, and I am not able, or I myself don't have the answer, or I do not have the time to help them because I am busy working to pay bills, and put groceries in the fridge, and cooking to fill the familys belly, I would hope that the school is going to be able to help my child and the teacher is not putting all the resonsibility on me. Last time I checked, we pay taxes so our children can go to school and get an education.

Being Canadian, and being in the school system, I understand that the teachers are doing the best they can (I hope). I know that the government is busy changing policies. My year was the first going through highschool without OAC (after grade 12). The teachers had to reconstruct the way they were teaching to conform to the new standards. I guess that was quite the process for the educators, however, I don't think parents should need to do more for their children than making sure they are doing the homework, and encouraging the child to find their own answers using the many sources available.

I heard that this new rule they were trying to pass did not go too well because people were concerned that grading the parents would cause even more tension in the relationship between teachers and parents. Not to mention that the teachers would have more work to do on top of the things they are already resposible for, such as grading, and inputting marks and making the teaching plan for the day/week/month.
I personally have seen a difference in the way the teachers handles the students. Perhaps it is the parents and students that should be grading the teachers. I notice that alot of the teachers are expecting the parents to teach the child if the child is having issues. I truly believe that teachers are getting paid to teach, and they chose this field therefore they should be doing all they can for their students. Having said all this, I will say that these days only a handful of teachers are dedicated to teaching.

Teen Moms On T.V.

I have been seeing magazines, and hearing on the news about these Teen Moms. Obviously this stems from the many new T.V shows that showcase them.
Growing up we are taught that teen pregnancy is bad.It was such a taboo topic. I don't even remember it being an issue. I mean obviously there was the 1 or 2 girls that did manage to get pregnant, but by the time the rumors spread, the girl was gone.
Now with the T.V. shows, I think it is becoming more acceptable to be a teen mom. I also think alot has to do with our society and our media having so many sexy ads, music videos, songs and t.v. shows. Also the internet has made everything easily accessible.
I can't believe that someone would show these teen moms on t.v. and show the supportive parent. I have seen the parents object, I have seen that the teens still do what they want. I have seen that a teen mom is abusive. I think in real life, the police would have been IMMEDIATELY involved. These teen moms have also been in the news for being broke. Really? I think we all get broke at some point. I would assume that a baby cost alot to take care of, but What makes them special? is it being a teen and having a baby? or is it because they have been showcased in the media? Either way, Teen Moms are getting alot of attention in the media and I do not think it is deserved.
Teens should be going to school, getting an education and moving on to something that makes our world better. We say children are our future, but if all the children are having babies, what future are we making? I think we are contrubuting to overpopulating our planet (yes I am aware that there are other factors that cause over population, but I am not ranting about those right now)
Now obviously I am not the only person who thinks showcasing teen moms is an issue, so I know that the media has also been criticized already. They have responded saying that since the show was put on the air, the teen pregnancy rate has dropped. That's all fine and good, however I would need to see the proof that it was because of the show that the percentage decreased.
If you just look around our society, many more teens have babies than I've noticed before. I am sure that others have noticed as well.